Saturday, May 19, 2012

Sketching with Wacom

I can't face rearranging my printing area today. In order for me to set it up, I have to tear everything down. Which means I have to get dirty. My 39 year high school reunion is tonight and I don't want to have to do with a complete style reno before heading out. So that I can see people who knew me only when I was on my worst possible behavior. What fun.

So instead of keeping with the plan, I'm going with the flow. These silly little birds have been keeping me entertained for days. The top was drawn in my sketch book and edited in PS. The bottom number was born and raised in Photoshop. I sketched it using my very cool Wacom Tablet. My sketches have none of the unconscious charm of a child's drawing, though they are childlike. If I'm going to create bad art, I'm going to need to disguise the fact that it's all I'm capable of.


  1. Well, now that bird has kept me entertained as well, together with a flower you created some other time & place. I just love feeding off your ideas and work them a little bit more!
    All the way from the Netherlands, Boo.

  2. OOOH I LOVE these! So much fun!

  3. Hello Mariyam - thank you for your comment. Sorry I'm so slow in responding, I need to fix my notifications.

  4. Hello Block Beauty - Thank you for your comment. They do make it look easy - they've been doing it for a long time!
